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After a long and cold winter, most of us can’t wait to get outside and enjoy the warmth of the sun and the fresh clean air of spring. However, others run for the anti-histamine tablets and tissues.


Our immune system detects harmful invaders (pathogens) and produces an immune response in order to neutralise a threat to the body’s wellbeing. Some immune responses are designed to flush out unwanted substances which can result in a runny nose or eyes, coughing and an upset stomach.


Essential oils can help control the symptoms of allergic reactions and support the body to reduce an over active immune response.


Below is a list of therapeutic actions that help with allergies and essential oils that have these properties.

Essential oils for Anti-allergenic & Anti-histamine

Reduces the symptoms allergies.


German Chamomile


Essential oils for Anti-inflammatory

These oils will reduces the symptoms allergies.



German Chamomile







Essential oils for Antipruritic

Relieves or prevents itching.


German Chamomile




Essential oils for Expectorant

Thins out mucous making it easier to clear from lungs and sinuses.






Essential oils for Immunostimulant

Promotes and regulates the immune response.




Tea Tree


Clove Bud


Aromatherapy for Allergies

Hay fever and blocked sinuses make life unpleasant and can cause headaches, brain fog and the potential for respiratory infections. Aromatherapy can help to clear the airways and bring the brain back online. Below we have provided a few different ways you can minimise the irritations Spring can bring.

Diffuser Blend

2 drops of Pine Pure Essential Oil

4 drops of Orange Pure Essential Oil

2 drops of Rosemary Pure Essential Oil


Diffuse for up to 2 hours.

Steam Inhalation

What you'll need:

Bowl with warm water

Hand towel

2 drops of any of the recommended Essential Oils


 Method + Use:

Add your essential oil of choice to the bowl.

Lean over the bowl with towel draped over your head.

Inhale slowly and deeply.


It is recommended to keep the amount of essential oil in a steam inhalation low as a large amount of essential oil in a steam inhalation can cause irritation to the mucous membranes which in turn create more mucous.

Author: Alissa Geddes

Alissa is a fully qualified Aromatherapist with further qualifications in Remedial Massage & Myotherapy. She qualified as an Aromatherapist in 2005 and has worked in hospitals, day spas and in clinical practice. Alissa contributes her extensive knowledge to ECO. and helps with detailed education to our ECO. community. Alissa is passionate about assisting and teaching others how to restore and maintain their health and wellbeing.


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