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A frequently asked question from both our community and new members joining our community is “what is the difference between ECO. Modern Essentials and doTERRA?” It is a brand comparison which happens quite often and we want to give you some insights around this topic.

We are an Australian based wellness brand with all of our products bottled in Australia as well as our head office based on the beautiful Gold Coast, Queensland. Our products are defined by quality and transparency. Our ingredients are harvested from ethical sources ensuring social and environmental integrity. All of our essential oils are GC /MS tested by a third party before they are bottled to ensure the highest purity and quality of their chemical composition.

We source our essential oils and carrier oils worldwide from countries where the plant material grows best both climatically and seasonally, as well as choosing those that contain the best active constituents to perform according to the high standards we set.

Are ECO. Modern Essentials oils certified organic?

We do have a Certified Organic range which is regulated by the Department of Agriculture & Water Resources – National Standard for Organic and Bio‐Dynamic Produce and adhere to Australian Certified Organic Standard. ACO conducts extensive audits of the farms and suppliers annually to ensure compliance. This is not to say our pure essential oils range is not grown under these conditions, it means that organic is not just "chemical free", it is a whole system or holistic means of growing and handling plants. While we source all of our oils organically, the majority of the farms/countries we source from don’t actually have internationally recognised organic standards. What we do know is that we only source from farms that do not use GMOs or pesticides on their crops. 

Are ECO. Modern Essentials oils & doTERRA therapeutic grade?

It’s important to understand the term “therapeutic grade” isn’t actually a recognised essential oil standard - there’s no regulating organisation that monitors it, usually it is used as a marketing tactic. So yes, we could say that we are therapeutic grade but that could be a little misleading as there’s no real definition for it! We prefer to confirm that our oils are 100% pure essential oils, that are true to botanical species and contain no synthetics or nature identicals.

Are ECO. Modern Essentials Oils & doTERRA 100% pure?

Unless stated otherwise on our product labels or product pages our essential oils are 100% pure. For example, Jasmine 3% Essential Oil has been diluted with a carrier oil. The essential oil component of Jasmine itself is still pure, we have just had this essential oil combined with a carrier oil. The reason for doing so is this allows the Jasmine essential oil benefits to be more accessible to our community without driving the price through the roof!

Why is there such a big price difference between ECO. Modern Essentials & doTERRA?

 We source directly from our farms to our customers eliminating any of the middle people. This allows us to have our products at competitive prices as we are not what’s called a “MLM” - a strategy some direct sales companies use to encourage existing distributors to recruit new distributors who are paid a percentage of their recruits' sales. Put simply, our business structure is entirely different and allows us full control and flexibility of our prices on products in comparison to doTERRA's more expensive products.

What are other key differences between ECO. Modern Essentials & doTERRA?

Every month we share a Source to Bottle story featuring one of our essential oils which gives a detailed overview of the history, harvesting, distillation & any community or environmental factors for the production of the particular essential oil.

We aim to simplify and minimise our packaging using recycled materials and soy based inks. We strive to work with local suppliers and partners to reduce our carbon footprint and support the local economy. We hope that by inspiring more individuals to appreciate our natural resources, practicing self-care and taking steps to reduce their ecological footprint on this earth, it will help drive change in the world.

To help reduce carbon emissions from shipping and deliveries, we have partnered with Carbon Neutral, an Australian organisation that carries out large-scale revegetation based on biodiversity and carbon capture. With every online order, we are planting native trees on your behalf in the Yarra Yarra biodiversity corridor in Australia. You can read more about our sustainability practices here.

We care about our community and want to make it extra special when you shop with us. We created the ECO. Rewards Club to allow you to earn points with each purchase and redeem them for discounts, vouchers and other exclusive goodies.

We are committed to making a difference in the world by continually improving and adapting our practices in everything we do. We always give full transparency on all of our processes and would love to hear from you if you have any further questions.

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