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As the long sunny days and joyful seasons pass some us may find that we begin to feel melancholy, unmotivated and have difficulties sleeping in our usual pattern. Although researchers are still studying the phenomena of seasonal affective disorder or S.A.D. most suggest that it is due to a decreased amount of sunshine and light that occurs during Autumn and Winter.


Certainly, if prolonged or difficult feelings of depression occur than the first step would be to consult a primary health care practitioner. However, you may find Aromatherapy can help to uplift your spirits, and pull you out of a slump. Aromatherapy can play a nurturing and supportive role to help carry us through the Autumn (and Winter) blues.

It can be difficult to know which essential oils are best suited to your needs, so we've compiled a list of some of our go-to oils to help you create your own winter blends.

These oils can be helpful to address a depressed state of mind:

Tonic for the nervous system

These essential oils will help to uplift the spirits and reduce apathy:

Essential oils that encourage joy

These essential oils promote happiness and joy, perfect for the cooler months:

How to blend

Using the above list as a guide, choose up to 3 essential oils that appeal to you. The essential oil blend can be used for massage, in a bath, in a diffuser or as a perfume. Most essential oils can be helpful during difficult times so experiment and create a blend that includes some of your favourite essential oils too. If problems persist, we recommend consulting with a health care professional. With the support of your community of family, friends and health care practitioners’ brighter days are ahead.

Author: Alissa Geddes

Alissa is a fully qualified Aromatherapist with further qualifications in Remedial Massage & Myotherapy. She qualified as an Aromatherapist in 2005 and has worked in hospitals, day spas and in clinical practice. Alissa contributes her extensive knowledge to ECO. and helps with detailed education to our ECO. community. Alissa is passionate about assisting and teaching others how to restore and maintain their health and wellbeing.

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