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Libra: September 23 - October 22
Key Essential Oil: Geranium

Librans are harmoniously beautiful with their style, good taste and charm. They strive for balance in every relationship and when it comes to confrontations, they will always hope for both sides to be satisfied with an outcome.

Element: Air

Polarity: Positive

Ruling Planet: Venus

Birthstone: Sapphire

Flower: Rose

Key Essential Oil

Similar to Libras personalities, Geranium essential oil is known as the great harmoniser. Libras and Geranium are the perfect pair. When Libras take time for themselves they are at their best, Geranium can assist them in creating nourishing self-care rituals to help restore balance.

Other Suggested Oils

Oils recommended for Libra's are Frankincense, Pine, Ylang Ylang, Marjoram and Palamrosa. As Libra's are Air signs, grounding oils are great for them to keep them balanced and at ease.

DIY Perfume

Utilising Lirbras key essential oils, we have created a DIY Perfume recipe - a harmonious blend of floral and herbacious tones.


10ml Rollerball

Sweet Almond Carrier Oil

• 2 drops Geranium essential oil

• 4 drops Frankincense essential oil 

• 3 drops Marjoram essential oil

Method + Use

1. Add essential oils to rollerball.

2. Fill with carrier oil, leave enough room for the cap.

3. Allow to sit for a few hours before use.

4. Shake well before each use and apply to wrists, back of neck and temples when desired.

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