Your hair is said to be your crowning glory. Most mainstream hair products contain chemicals and additives such as phthalates, parabens, sulfates and many others that are known to be harmful to health. Choosing natural alternatives can help reduce the amount of toxins you are exposed to on a regular basis.

If you are looking at moving away from conventional haircare products or exploring more natural options, you might want to consider essential oils. For many years, people have been using essential oils for hair care for their moisturising, stimulating or soothing properties. Whatever the case may be, essential oils for your hair can be a versatile approach to any hair concern.

What are essential oils for hair?

Essential oils for hair are those which have properties to support hair growth and/or scalp health. These properties may include antimicrobial, antibacterial, antifungal and stimulating.

  •  Rosemary Essential Oil -Due to its circulatory stimulating properties, Rosemary essential oil has traditionally been used to treat and prevent hair loss, dandruff and adds lustre to dark hair.
  • Pine Essential Oil – Enhances the hair’s natural smoothness and shine, contributes moisture, and protects against dandruff as well as lice.
  • Thyme Essential Oil – Has antifungal benefits and may increase the blood flow to the scalp while rejuvenating hair follicles, which promote hair growth.
  • Peppermint Essential Oil - Has antiseptic and antimicrobial properties, which may help to cool the scalp, eliminate dandruff and fight lice. It is used in hair products to help relieve a dry scalp, stimulate hair growth, and give hair a healthy shine.

Dry & Damaged Hair

Essential oils may work by stimulating hair growth to treat thinning hair and also may stimulate production of the scalp's natural sebum to nourish dry, damaged hair. These essential oils naturally condition the hair and help keep the scalp's oils balanced.

Essential Oils for Oily Hair

Properties to look for in essential oils when treating oily hair are astringent to reduce sebum production, soothing for itchy scalp, anti-inflammatory for sensitive scalp and follicles, antiseptic and antifungal. These essential oils will assist in your oily hair concerns.

How to mix essential oils for hair growth

Hair Growth Support Blend

2 drops Rosemary essential oil

1 drop Grapefruit essential oil


Add your essential oils to 10ml of carrier oil. Massage directly into scalp. Cover and leave for 10 minutes. To remove, dry shampoo hair first, followed by another shampoo & conditioner.

Hair Growth Conditioner

20 drops Ylang Ylang pure essential oil

10 drops Cedarwood pure essential oil

20 drops Sandalwood 10% essential oil


Add the essential oils to a plain conditioner base (2.5% dilution or 50 drops per 100ml) and condition hair as usual.

Is peppermint essential oil good for hair?

Peppermint essential oil has a cooling action and may have this affect when applied to the scalp. In very low dilutions, Peppermint essential oil can be usedful for the treatment of sunburn, rashes and itchy skin on the scalp, helping the integrity of the skin. It has been shown that Peppermint essential oil may support hair growth in the anogen phase. Use Peppermint essential oil on the scalp and hair with care, always diluting before applying.

How to use essential oils for hair

Using essentials oils for the hair can be done in many ways.

1. Adding 1-2 drops to your shampoo or conditioner.

2. Diluting in a carrier oil of choice, applying to the hair and scalp for a hair treatment.

3. Hydrating hair mist, diluting in a mist spray bottle and spritzing over the hair when needed.

How to mix essential oils for hair growth and thickness

Choose from the above essential oils mentioned to make the perfect blend for your needs. Depending on the way you wish to apply the essential oils will affect how you mix them. See our 'how to use essential oils for hair' for inspiration and choose which application method will suit your lifestyle best.

Author: Georgia Doherty
Content & Community Coordinator

Georgia is the Content & Community Coordinator at ECO. Modern Essentials. Georgia oversees the company's social media platforms, helps coordinate brand collaborations, is a leader for ECO.'s content creation + DIY recipes and manages ECO.'s affiliate program. She is a qualified Beauty Therapist with extensive Dermal Therapy qualifications, a Diploma in Training Design & Development with a Aromatherapy Practitioner Certificate. Georgia is passionate about leading a happy & healthy life and helping educate those around her.


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