To understand Chakras, we are first to understand and acknowledge that everything is energy and that each energy has its own vibrational frequency. Like everything in the universe, we are constantly vibrating and creating energy.
Throughout the body, we have energy hubs which connect and govern major organs and glands, these are our Chakras. Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) means “wheel” and it is thought that these “wheels” or Chakras are constantly spinning which is what creates their vibrational frequency and are made up of the patterns of our thoughts, feelings, memories, experiences and actions.
When balanced, the Chakras attract life force energy to keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical health of the body aligned. When your Chakras are blocked and in need of balance, cleansing or healing, it means they need clearing of the old, damaging patterns so they can release positive and nourishing energy.
How do I know if my Chakras are blocked?
When Chakras are blocked you tend to feel ‘off’ either spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically or a mixture of all four. That odd feeling of disconnection from the world where something’s not quite right, may be either deficient or excessive energy flow throughout the Chakras and therefore they become imbalanced.
The seven major chakras are located in a vertical line ascending from the base of the spine to the head.