Discover the enchanting world of Basil Essential Oil, a hidden gem in the realm of natural wellness and aromatherapy. Derived from the leaves of the sweet basil plant (Ocimum basilicum), this essential oil is a fragrant and versatile addition to your holistic lifestyle. Its scent is a delightful fusion of fresh, sweet, and slightly spicy notes, reminiscent of a Mediterranean herb garden kissed by the morning sun. The invigorating fragrance of basil is known to uplift your spirits, awaken your senses, and transport you to a place of tranquility.

Where is Basil essential oil from?

Our Basil essential oil, Ocimum basilicum, is sourced from India, specifically from small to medium-sized family-run farms in the region. India is renowned for its rich agricultural heritage and diverse climate, which makes it an ideal location for growing various aromatic herbs, including basil. These family-run farms in India cultivate and harvest basil plants to extract the essential oil. The combination of skilled farming practices and the unique Indian terroir contributes to the high quality and authenticity of our basil essential oil.

How is Basil essential oil made?

The process begins in the last week of June to the third week in July when the farmers sow the seeds in rows with adequate spacing to allow each plant to thrive. Basil plants require regular watering, sunlight, and care during the growing season. They usually mature by the end of August to mid-September. Once the basil plants have reached the desired maturity, the farmers commence the harvesting process. The harvested basil leaves are transported to the distillation facility. Here, the leaves are sorted, cleaned, and prepared for distillation. The leaves contain tiny oil glands that hold the aromatic compounds that are extracted. In steam distillation, specialized equipment is used that includes a still or distillation chamber, a boiler to produce steam, and a condenser. The basil leaves are placed in the distillation chamber, water is heated to produce steam, which is then passed through the basil leaves. The steam causes the oil glands in the leaves to burst, releasing the essential oil. As the steam passes through the leaves, it carries the essential oil vapor with it. The steam and oil mixture is then condensed back into a liquid in the condenser. The condensed liquid is collected in a separator, where the essential oil, being less dense than water, floats on top. It is then carefully separated from the water. The resulting product is a mixture of basil essential oil and water, known as a hydrosol. To obtain pure basil essential oil, this mixture goes through a secondary phase where the oil is separated from the water. Once our basil essential oil passes quality control, it is packaged in dark glass bottles to protect it from light and air.

What does Basil smell & look like?

Basil leaves are smooth, glossy and are an oval-shape that cup slightly. It gives off a strong, sweet smell and is a familiar herb used in recipes but its uses can extend far beyond the kitchen. A bunch of freshly chopped basil leaves adds a real lift to salads and pasta dishes, and we can think of Basil essential oil the same way when it comes to its medicinal purposes.

History of Basil

Basil essential oil boasts a rich history that spans centuries and multiple cultures. Its origins can be traced back to ancient India, where it was highly revered for its medicinal and spiritual properties. In Indian Ayurvedic medicine, basil oil was utilised to treat various ailments and promote mental clarity.

As trade routes expanded, basil's aromatic essence found its way to ancient Greece and Rome, where it was associated with love and protection. In the Middle Ages, European monks cultivated and used basil as a natural remedy.

Fast forward to the modern era, and basil essential oil has maintained its prominence, finding applications in aromatherapy, culinary arts, and herbal medicine. It's celebrated for its calming, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial qualities, making it a valuable asset in contemporary holistic wellness practices and skincare products. Basil essential oil's journey through time underscores its enduring significance and versatility.

Benefits & uses of Basil essential oil:

  1. Mental Clarity: Basil essential oil is a tonic for the mind, lowered spirits and mental fatigure. Inhaling basil may help sharpen your focus, enhance mental clarity, and stimulate your cognitive functions. It's the perfect natural remedy for when you need a mental boost during work or study sessions.

  2. Hormonal Support: Reach for Basil to help encourage late or very light menstruation and help reduce period pains.

  3. Respiratory Support: Basil essential oil has antiseptic and expectorant properties that can support your respiratory system. It may help clear congestion, ease breathing, and provide relief from common cold symptoms.

  4. Pain Relief: Basil Essential Oil may also provide relief from minor aches and pains, making it a valuable addition to your massage or topical oil blends.

  5. Emotional Balance: Embrace emotional equilibrium as basil oil works to stabilise mood swings and alleviate feelings of anxiety and sadness.

  6. Natural Energiser: Feeling sluggish? Inhaling the aroma of basil can help revitalise your energy levels and boost your enthusiasm for the day ahead.

  7. Digestive Aid: May help relieve intestinal spasms and reduce nausea symptoms.

  8. Cleaning: Add some zest to your DIY cleaning recipes with Basil as it can help eleminate unpleasant odours and deoderise stale odour environments.

How to use Lavender essential oil

  • Diffuser: Add 6-8 drops of Basil essential oil to your diffuser to energise, claridy the mind or eleminate stale odours.
  • Quick fix: A few deep inhalations from the bottle can help when you are at work, in the car or anytime you need a quick break.
  • Shower: Add 2-3 drops to the corner of the shower and enjoy the benefits of steam inhalation for both the mind and skin.
  • Bath: Add up to 5 drops in a dispersant such as oil, to the bath to create a relaxing atmosphere while nourishing your skin.
  • Topically: Mix 1 drop of chosen essential oil with 5ml carrier oil and apply to wrists, chest or back of the neck.
  • Massage: Use a 2.5% dilution; 50 drops per 100ml carrier oil and use over the entire body, being mindful of the face.
  • Steam Treatment: Add 2 drops of essential oil to a bowl of steaming hot water. Place your face close to the bowl and cover the back of your head and bowl with a towel to trap the aromatic vapours. Caution due to risk of burns or scalding and keep eyes covered during treatment.

Blends well with: German & Roman Chamomile, Cypress, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Grapefruit, Juniper, Jasmine, Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint, Petitgrain, Palmarosa, Patchouli, Sandalwood & Ylang Ylang.

Basil essential oil safety

Basil is quite a powerful essential oil in action and aroma intensity. A small number of drops should be sufficient.

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Author: Georgia Doherty

Georgia oversees the marketing campaigns, company's social media platforms, helps coordinate brand collaborations, is a leader for ECO.'s content creation + DIY recipes and manages ECO.'s affiliate program. She is a qualified Beauty Therapist with extensive Dermal Therapy qualifications, a Diploma in Training Design & Development with a Aromatherapy Practitioner Certificate. Georgia is passionate about leading a happy & healthy life and helping educate those around her.


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